Paolo Bertazzoni Honored with the Title of Cavaliere del Lavoro
We are proud to announce that today, Paolo Bertazzoni, President of Bertazzoni Spa, has been honored with the title of Cavaliere del Lavoro by the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella. This prestigious accolade acknowledges Paolo's unwavering commitment, dedication, and visionary leadership, which have propelled Bertazzoni Spa to unparalleled excellence, firmly establishing our presence in the global market.

The honour of Cavaliere del Lavoro was established in 1901 by King Vittorio Emanuele III of Italy, with the aim of recognising and rewarding entrepreneurs who have distinguished themselves through their contributions to the economic and social progress of the country. Initially conceived to honour achievements in the agricultural sector, the honour was later extended to include other categories of productive activities such as industry, commerce, craftsmanship, and financial services.

Italian Entrepreneurship at its Finest
Italian Entrepreneurship at its Finest

Each year, the President of the Republic appoints a maximum of 25 Cavalieri del Lavoro. These awardees represent the pinnacle of Italian entrepreneurship and become members of the Order of Merit for Labour, which promotes the values of work, innovation, and progress. The honour is a symbol of great prestige and recognition at the national level, emphasising the importance of entrepreneurs' contributions to the development and growth of the country.

The appointment as a Cavaliere del Lavoro is an honour reserved for those who have demonstrated exceptional merits in the fields of industry, agriculture, commerce, craftsmanship, and credit and insurance activities. Paolo Bertazzoni has embodied these values through innovative leadership and tireless commitment to quality and innovation. His ability to blend tradition with modernity has allowed Bertazzoni Spa to grow and thrive, maintaining strong Italian roots while promoting an international approach.